Salla E-Commerce Stores Builder Conceptualization (SaaS)




Senior Product Designer


LinkedIn Top Voice Expert In UXD



UX Research And UX Analysis :-

Key User Pain Points :-

• Slow Loading Times :

During the onboarding process, users reported experiencing slow loading times, especially when uploading profile pictures and selecting themes for their store. This caused frustration and delays in completing the setup.

• Confusing Navigation :

Participants found the navigation within the onboarding section to be confusing and unintuitive. They struggled to find specific settings and features, leading to a disjointed user experience.

• Lack of Clear Instructions :

Users expressed frustration with the lack of clear instructions and guidance throughout the onboarding process. They often had to rely on trial and error to understand how to complete certain tasks, resulting in a steep learning curve.

User Feedback on UI Design :-

• Inconsistent Visuals :

Participants commented on the inconsistent visuals and design elements within the onboarding section. They felt that certain pages and screens had different styles, which created a lack of cohesion and professionalism.

• Cluttered Interface :

Users found the interface to be cluttered and overwhelming, especially when presented with multiple options and settings at once. They suggested simplifying the design and providing a more streamlined experience.

• Limited Customization Options :

Participants expressed a desire for more customization options during the onboarding process. They wanted to have more control over the appearance and layout of their store, allowing them to create a unique and personalized experience for their customers.

User Onboarding Challenges :-

• Account Creation Issues :

Users encountered difficulties during the account creation process, such as error messages when entering their personal information or issues with email verification. These challenges hindered their progress and caused frustration.

• Lack of Progress Tracking :

Participants mentioned the absence of a progress tracker or visual indicator to show their progress within the onboarding section. They felt uncertain about how much more they needed to complete, leading to a sense of disorientation.

• Limited Support Resources :

Users expressed a need for more comprehensive support resources during the onboarding process. They wanted access to tutorials, FAQs, and live chat support to assist them in overcoming challenges and understanding the platform.

Best practices for onboarding :-

• Creating a seamless onboarding experience :

Ensure that the onboarding process for Salla E-commerce Stores Builder is smooth and user-friendly. Here are some best practices to follow :

- Keep the number of steps to a minimum to avoid overwhelming new users.

- Provide clear instructions and guidance at each step to help users understand what they need to do.

- Include visual cues, such as progress indicators, to show users how far they are in the onboarding process.

- Offer tooltips or contextual help to assist users in completing tasks or understanding complex features.

- Allow users to skip certain steps if they are already familiar with the process or have completed it before.

• Designing an intuitive user interface :

The user interface plays a crucial role in the onboarding experience. Consider the following design principles :

- Use a clean and uncluttered layout to minimize distractions and help users focus on the essential elements.

- Ensure that the navigation is intuitive and easy to understand, allowing users to move between different sections effortlessly.

- Use consistent visual elements, such as colors, icons, and typography, to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

- Optimize the interface for different devices and screen sizes to provide a seamless experience across platforms.

- Conduct user testing and gather feedback to identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements.

• Providing comprehensive documentation and support :

Help users navigate the onboarding process by providing comprehensive documentation and support resources :

- Create a detailed onboarding guide or tutorial that walks users through each step of the process.

- Offer video tutorials or screencasts to demonstrate key features and functionalities.

- Provide a searchable knowledge base or FAQ section where users can find answers to common questions.

- Offer live chat or email support to assist users in real-time and address any issues they may encounter.

- Solicit feedback from users and use it to continuously improve the onboarding experience and support resources.

Improvements and Recommendations :-

• Simplify the Onboarding Steps :

Streamline the onboarding process by reducing the number of steps required to set up an e-commerce store. Simplify the user journey and eliminate any unnecessary or redundant actions.

• Clear and Concise Instructions :

Provide clear and concise instructions at each stage of the onboarding process. Use plain language and avoid technical jargon to ensure that users can easily understand and follow the steps.

• Visual Progress Indicators :

Incorporate visual progress indicators to help users track their progress during the onboarding process. This will provide a sense of accomplishment and reduce user frustration.

• Interactive Onboarding Tutorial :

Create an interactive onboarding tutorial that guides users through the key features and functionalities of the e-commerce store creation tool. This will help users quickly familiarize themselves with the platform.

• Personalized Onboarding Experience :

Offer a personalized onboarding experience by allowing users to customize their onboarding journey based on their specific needs and goals. Provide options for different business types and industries.

Information Architecture And Userflow Design :-

Prototype And Interaction Design :-

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